Stories of Practical Advice from
Moms Who have Survived Parenting

Twenty-one valiant moms have collaborated to share how they have pushed through and survived seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Being a mom isn’t about being perfect. I promise you, there is no perfect mom on this earth.

What you will see in the pages of this book is the strength, determination, and courage of these incredible mom’s, told through the experiences they have endured along one of the most daring journeys we as women can ever attempt – Motherhood.

About Me

Angela M. Cornish

Angela Middleton-Cornish is a transformational leader, successful businesswoman and an inspiration to many. She is the Chief Executive Officer of Middleton & Associates, where she has leveraged over 30 years of business knowledge to educate others in the area of personal development, Real Estate Investing strategies and financial literacy. As a result of Angela’s innovative leadership, business, and financial coaching: individuals, teams, and organizations are inspired to maximize their fullest potential, reach their financial goals, and execute their dreams.
Angela is dedicated to inspiring others to see their full potential and transform their lives in ways they never imagined. Her ultimate goal is to help them fulfill their purpose on purpose. Angela is an impactful change agent, whose experiences range from facilitating professional learning events and being the keynote speaker for different industries throughout the East-Coast.
Angela is an intellectual and virtuous woman of extraordinary faith, vision, talents, and presence. Her accomplishments have allowed her to obtain a plethora of recognitions and awards.
Angela’s journey to greatness exemplifies  that success is a “journey and not a destination.” Through this journey, Angela’s desire is to inspire others with her walk, encourage them with her talk, and to elevate with her giving.

Stories of Practical Advice from
Moms Who have Survived Parenting

Twenty-one valiant moms have collaborated to share how they have pushed through and survived seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Being a mom isn’t about being perfect. I promise you, there is no perfect mom on this earth.

What you will see in the pages of this book is the strength, determination, and courage of these incredible mom’s, told through the experiences they have endured along one of the most daring journeys we as women can ever attempt – Motherhood.

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